What we do
We are currently in the process of building our catalog. We want to bring a larger European audience to the best of modern Japanese cinema, including drama, horror and action films.
We are experts in marketing Japanese entertainment abroad. We know how to reach the local audiences and what their tastes are.
IP Management
We have several decades of experience in the management of movie rights. We are experts in copyright law and royalty management.
Our name
TabiCine combines the Japanese word tabi 旅 with the word cine シネ from cinema, a word shared by European and Japanese languages. “Tabi” means “trip” or “travel”, and is a poetic synonym of the more common word 旅行 “ryokou”. The name highlights our vision to make films travel, and conveys the feeling of traveling into the scenery and setting of the film.
The team

Joni Hatanmaa
Co-Founder, CEO
Joni has been a film industry attorney for more than 10 years serving production companies, distributors and studios. He got the spark to found TabiCine Ltd in the Erich Pommer Institute master program for European Film Business and Law. With TabiCine Ltd he can combine his two passions, working in the film industry and in cultural exchange between Finland and Japan.

Petteri Uusitalo
Co-Founder, CMO
Petteri has worked as a journalist for 15 years, mainly focusing on Japan and Japanese entertainment. For almost 10 years he served as the editor-in-chief of the periodical magazine “Anime”, Finland’s oldest publication on Japanese anime and manga. He is also one of the founding members of Desucon, one of the oldest and largest Japanese pop culture events in Finland.

Hideyuki Shima
Associate in Japan
Hideyuki has promoted friendship between Finland and Japan for 30 years and has produced a wide range of concerts and events in both countries. He also composes music for video games and anime. He acts as the company’s associate in Japan through his own company Studio Saari LLC.